1915 N Howard Ave Tampa, FL 33607

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Social Media Sites and Your Personal Injury Claim

Tampa Florida Personal Injury Social Media

Recent trends I encountered in representing clients involved in personal injury claims, are insurance adjusters and defense attorneys, going onto to social media sites to review not only the client’s pages but the pages of family members and friends. Adjusters, investigators and defense attorneys may create fake profiles to gain access to social media, looking for anything which can hurt your case. For example, evidence of you, exercising, golfing, dancing, going on vacations, vigorous activities etc…

Until your case is settled, be careful what you put on your page

What Insurance Do I Need To Drive a Car?

Car Insurance Tampa Florida Personal Injury

Florida only requires $10,000 in personal injury protection coverage (PIP), and $10,000 property damage liability (PD). PIP coverage reimburse you and your family members with up to $10,000 in incurred medical expense and lost wages. If you are at fault, PD covers you for damages you cause to the other person’s vehicle. You should know, […]

Accidents Involving Trucks

Avoiding Injury Tampa Florida

Accidents involving trucks can be complex. There are many State and Federal regulations that come into play. In addition to role the trucking company may have played. Truck driver error such as improper lane changes, speeding, careless or reckless driving, improperly loading and improper braking are some examples. Driver impairment due to sleep deprivation, alcohol, […]


Imagine you have just been involved in an accident, and the at fault driver tells you he has no insurance. Further imagine you sustained serious injuries, incurred medical bills and will be out of work for a period of time. Hi I am attorney Anthony Gonzalez! Did you know the state of Florida ranks among […]